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Ome-zing! The ins and outs of fats, cholesterol and omega

By Marketing Team  •   3 minute read

There is so much information floating around over various  media  channels about fats. At BestLyfe we know it can be  both overwhelming and mind boggling about which bits are true and which bits are not and so we’ve put together an article to help you out. 

Solid fats are ingredients which, without being obvious, are solid… cheese, butter and cakes. When these fats become a main part of your diet, they can become a threat to our wellbeing. 

Saturated fats raise your cholesterol levels in your blood more than other types of fat. This happens through elevating harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. High levels of LDL can build up on the walls of your arteries around your body… this is known as ‘cholesterol plaque’ – narrowing your arteries, limiting your blood flow and in turn increasing your chances of getting a blood clot. 

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) reduces the chance of this happening by absorbing cholesterol and carrying it back to the liver, the organ which flushes bad toxins out of your body. HDL cholesterol can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, in turn improving your overall health.  

Studies have discovered that is it the type of fat and not the amount of fat that is linked to coronary heart diseases, which is a common mistake, people often have the opinion that it is vice versa. 

Omega-3 fats are your ‘good’ fats which are needed in your diet, and they  have beneficial effects on your health. There are different ways to get omega-3 in the diet. One is from natural sources like nuts and seeds – a vegan and vegetarian version, which also contain high levels of Alpha-Linoleic Acid - an essential fatty acid. 

Other sources include oily fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon which have high levels of EPA and DHA, the more beneficial type of omega-3 fatty acid. DHA has been shown to help with development and growth of the brain, central nervous system and for healthy vision. EPA is an omega-3 fatty acid that can reduce symptoms of depression and help fight inflammation in your body.

We know that you have a busy lifestyle… whether it’s work, looking after the kids, grandkids or simply socialising with your friends, so, supplements could be  the way forward for those of your who struggle to consume the right amounts of these foods. 

It has been shown from studies carried out that high EPA during childhood can improve their behaviour, academic performance, attention and lowers aggression. Low EPA levels in adults have shown to correlate strongly with development of mental health issues, heart problems, joint and bone conditions, as well as neurodegenerative diseases.

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils can help to reduce LDL cholesterol and may raise HDL levels. The anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 have also shown to control inflammatory conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. 

BestLye have a variety of products to suit everyday part of your life, whether it’s from immunity support to aches and pains to even ensuring your dog gets the right levels of vitamins in their diet. Take a look at our omega range today and begin to see the benefits of regular intake.

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