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Treating arthritis pain with a natural approach

By Jason McKenzie  •   4 minute read

Did you know that over 10 million people in the UK are affected by arthritis and other joint affecting conditions? This common condition is marked by inflammation in the joints that causes stiffness and pain.  The most frequent types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifactorial joint disease and gets worse with age, as it’s caused by wear and tear over the years. The second type, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is an autoimmune disease and caused by the immune system attacking the joints as if they were foreign tissues.

Treating Arhritis pain with a natural approach

Although there is currently no cure for arthritis, typically sufferers are offered anti-inflammatory medications which target the pain and stiffness, some help stop the condition from getting worse and reduce the risk of further joint damage. However, many of us are keen to avoid long term use of medication and are trying to reduce our reliance on chemicals and their potential side effects. Its always worth consulting with your GP if you are in pain but are considering supplementing prescribed treatments with more natural approaches or traditional medications.

A report by ARC (Arthritis Research Campaign) summarised scientific evidence concerning 40 alternative treatments for arthritis and many were found to be ineffective or to 5have little evidence backing their benefits – however, this evidence-based review, supported by the University of Aberdeen, has identified some supplements with supported claims and active, effective compounds.

Nutriplex 3for2

Fish Oil extracted from oily fish such as sardines, salmon and mackerel scored highly, suggesting they offer benefits, they are also safe to use and offer a range of further benefits for blood pressure, are heart-healthy and reduce the likelihood of strokes.

Capsaicin, an extract from chilli peppers, has been shown to reduce pain among osteoarthritis patients as does the nutritional supplement S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe), both scored highly for effectiveness.


Glucosamine is one of the most widely taken natural supplement’s, the research says there is some promising evidence to suggest that it helps, and the evidence is from more than one study. Our supplement – Nutriplex, contains a useful dose of Glucosamine Sulphate, plus a range of other important vitamins and minerals, for example Magnesium aids muscle function and maintains bones, Vitamin A improves the skin and contributes to a well-functioning immune system and Vitamin B reduces tiredness.

In addition to supplementation, what other natural approaches can we take?

Devil’s Claw root extract is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the relief of back ache, rheumatic or muscular pain and general aches and pains in muscles and joints exclusively based upon long-standing use (at least 30 years) as a traditional remedy so worth considering if the natural, herbal route is interesting for you and, as it’s natural there are no side effects or issues around addiction.

Other treatments can include acupuncture, which relieves pain by changing the painful sensations that are sent to the brain by the painful, damaged tissues by stimulating the pain-relieving hormones – you’ll need a series of treatments with an expert therapist and learning to meditate, scientists from Manchester University say that people who meditate regularly, find pain easier to manage, as meditation trains the brain to be more present-focused and therefore spend less time anticipating future negative events.

TENS Devices (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) helps with arthritis pain, a tiny electrical charge is delivered to the painful joint or muscle, this stimulates the production of endorphins which are the body’s natural pain killers. TENS is used for pain relief during labour in NHS hospitals, it is a well-established treatment. The most convenient way to apply TENS is by the Paingone pen, this device avoids the use of pads, gels and leads, as it is applied directly to the painful area even through clothing, has been used successfully by over 1.7 million people worldwide.

The pain of arthritis can affect every aspect of your life, making everyday activities difficult and draining the enjoyment from even the most special event. The pain can also affect your mood, making you feel down or even depressed, a situation which is further exasperated by lack of sleep. The empowering effect of taking your own steps to master the pain, will also have the longer-term benefit of lifting the way you feel. By not letting the pain control you, by being proactive and distracted by more enjoyable activities helps you focus on something other than the pain. Researching natural ways to help your condition are part of this proactive approach, whether its TENS or glucosamine or even some of the newest supplements like CBD Oil, your growing expertise and experience along with the benefits of the products you are trying will combine to improve your situation greatly. 


The pain of arthritis can affect every aspect of your life, making everyday activities difficult and draining the enjoyment from even the most special event. The pain can also affect your mood, making you feel down or even depressed, a situation which is further exasperated by lack of sleep. The empowering effect of taking your own steps to master the pain, will also have the longer-term benefit of lifting the way you feel. By not letting the pain control you, by being proactive and distracted by more enjoyable activities helps you focus on something other than the pain. Researching natural ways to help your condition are part of this proactive approach, whether its TENS or glucosamine or even some of the newest supplements like CBD Oil, your growing expertise and experience along with the benefits of the products you are trying will combine to improve your situation greatly.  If you want to read more about CBD, please read our latest blog here.


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