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Keep your House Allergy-Free in the Coming Winter Months

Keep your house allergy free in the Winter

Winter has been creeping up on us slowly, and now the recent weather has decided to remind us just how important keeping our house warm is. However, some of us may not have our house prepared for the Winter in Britain. This is possibly going to bring about certain allergy symptoms, including those stemming from dust mites and mould.

Following these simple steps may help you to get your house in order for the winter months, as you look at improving your indoor living conditions, as you spend more time inside. If you are already aware that you have dust mites, try out our dust mite controller and get started!

1) Identify the issues in your house

If the colder weather is already beginning to drive you inside, then you need to identify which parts of your house need some TLC the most. If dust and mould are having an impact on your body, then you need to identify the triggers. With the British climate being so unpredictable, your body has to adapt to certain cultures on a regular basis. You can check your body for certain rashes which could be symptoms of an allergy, as your body will adapt to the change in weather and environment. Other major causes of allergy symptoms include bed bugs and insect bites. For some people, dust mites can cause severe symptoms everywhere, so it could be a good idea to carry around a portable dust mite controller.

2) Identifying seasonal allergies and food allergies

Dealing with the symptoms which come about from allergies can be a scary business, especially if you are not sure what is causing them. If you notice a change in symptoms when the seasons switch over, seasonal allergies may be the cause. If it is something like dust mites or mould, this will occur more in winter. If symptoms like rashes and respiratory issues come about when you change your diet for warmer foods in the winter, it is likely a food allergy.

3) Be aware of your environment

Allergies are on the rise, with the number of people suffering from symptoms increasing around the world. Particularly in the U.K., U.S and Australia. In Australia alone, there are more than four million people affected. Although many of these are associated with Summer all over the world, in Britain these are increasingly prevalent in the Winter. Forget the common cold and frostbite, in Britain allergies, are the ones to watch out for.

4) Don’t let the cold beat you

The temptation during the cold winter months is to shut all the windows, turn the heating on and wrap up warm. Everybody does it, but is it the best thing to do? Obviously, you shouldn’t leave the doors and windows wide open, but sometimes leaving them on the latch will give your house the fresh air it needs to breathe.

Alongside all the food-related allergies people may face, individuals need to bite back against other allergies, including the build-up of mould. Closing all the vents and windows in your house will keep you warm but may not stop you from sneezing. This is because mould and dust mites can build up without fresh air and can cause more harm to the body than individuals think.

5) Don’t forget about the food

Remember, even though you are determined to keep away the environmental allergies this winter, there are still foods that you might not be able to eat due to your food allergies. You must not neglect these allergies as they are still harmful. If you are experiencing symptoms like skin rashes, constant fatigue and just a complete lack of energy; allergies could be the underlying cause.

6) What about Seasonal Affective Disorder?

It could be that your symptoms which are similar to that of an allergy, are not actually allergies at all. You should watch out that you are not suffering from the following symptoms, especially when winter swings around.

  • Low mood
  • Distinct lack of energy
  • A loss of interest in everyday activities
  • Irritability
  • Feelings of despair

If you suspect that you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, then you need to talk to your GP immediately. They can carry out an assessment on you which will help you to understand your symptoms better. Coping with seasonal affective disorder is manageable, you just need to be able to identify it first.

7) Find the best way to cope with your symptoms

Whether it is a dust allergy that you are suffering from, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, minimising the chances of you suffering from associated symptoms could be beneficial. Although you should not be a hermit, staying inside and away from airborne and environmental allergens is important to keep you healthy. Allergy symptoms like itchy eyes, runny noses, skin rashes, sneezing, snoring and even coughing could be managed by following doctors advice. If you do suspect that you are suffering from an allergy, we would recommend that you consult a doctor immedaitely. 

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