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Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a very important hormone for our bodies. Some of the benefits including keeping our bones healthy, boosting our immune system and ensuring maintenance of normal muscle function, lowering blood pressure, combatting neurological disorders like depression, SAD (seasonal affective disorder), bettering sports performance, lowering the risk of diabetes and possibly dementia

Although you can get vitamin D through food, most of this hormone comes from the sun. During the winter our bodies are exposed to UV rays, so sometimes people won’t be able to get enough. 

Signs of having low vitamin D levels include:

Weakened immune system – seasonal outbreaks could be a reason of having low levels of vitamin D and melatonin in the body due to less exposure to sunlight – this particularly occurs during the winter. Having low levels of vitamin D can compress our responses to bad back bacteria, meaning we have a weakened immune system therefore making us far more likely to develop colds or flu like symptoms during the winter.

Worsening asthma – 

Having low levels of vitamin D can affect the functioning of our lungs and patient’s responses to treatments. Adding a vitamin D supplement to your daily routine could help make your breathing easier during the winter months. 

Muscle weakness, bone aches and joint pain –

A sign of having a lack of vitamin D in your body is if your legs feel heavy, you notice difficulty getting up out of a seat or generally feeling weak. Being deficient in vitamin D could lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children and joint pain, tenderness, muscle weakness, pains spine, ribs, shoulder or pelvis in adults, as a result of having a condition called Oesteomalacia – this is where you have soft bones. If physical activity is a key aspect of your life such as play frequent sport, your vitamin D levels are topped up to maintain performance. 

Low mood and irritability –

One of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is feeling low or displaying symptoms of SAD (seasonal affective disorder). To keep upbeat during the darker months, try a different exercise, a healthier diet and mindfulness technique to keep your mood in check.  

It is recommended by health experts for adults to take at least 400IU of vitamin D throughout the year. 

Head over to the BestLyfe website to order your 60 day supply of vitamin D tablets for as little as £0.15 per day now! 

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